Monday, March 23, 2009

I am giving-up blog posts for Lent.

Obviously I am not giving-up posting…


So apparently it’s Lent.


For those heathens out there, let me break Lent down for ya.


Lent is basically Easter’s pre-season. That’s pretty much it. Technically, it’s the 40-days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.


Though for some odd reason certain folks (sometimes referred to as Christmas & Easter Christians) seem to get into Lent.


The whole shtick is that someone gives-up something that is important to them in honor of the sacrifice Jesus made for them.


The irony is that these C&E Christians (I am not even a C&E Christian myself, and make no pretenses otherwise) usually give-up a vice. Which is ironic, because as a Christian, these vices should be avoided year-round.


I am a Protestant, so technically, I don’t HAVE to partake in Lent. The practice of self-sacrifice is more of a punishment in the vein of Catholicism. (We Protestants got the long-end of the stick on that one…Woo Hoo!)


Now I'll get down off my high-horse. I, the self-described bad Christian will admit, I usually give something up for Lent.


One year it was cussing, another it was chocolate, etc. For a few years it became a game as I tried to figure-out something that sounded impressive, but really would be easy. I gave-up going to Canada one year, for example.


But then I changed my perspective. I started giving-up things that were a big part of my life: Fast Food, Coffee, Cussing (a very difficult one), etc. The idea was not to focus on what I was missing, but to allow more opportunities to remember why I was doing it in the first place, to ponder religion and be thankful for what I have.


When weighed against the sacrifices that have been made for me as a Christian, not dropping the F-bomb for forty days, seems downright trivial. Being reminded of those sacrifices numerous times a day really helped to ground a perspective that can really get off-kilter.


So although I didn’t give anything up this year, the simple fact that I am writing this exhibits that I am thinking about religion, which as I said before, is kinda the whole point.


PS- Feel free to share what you have given-up for Lent in this or past year in the comments section. And, as always, feel free to share your thoughts on my ramblings there as well. 


Ryan said...

I think I'll give up religion. Oh wait...

sweetb said...

I'm going to give up Seattle.

babsrambler said...

I am going to give up leaving smart-ass remarks on your blog...and hope that the trend catches on.