Wednesday, May 27, 2009


While I was on the subway yesterday I saw a deaf/hard of hearing gentleman holding a conversation with the lady sitting across from him.

I was floored, having a younger brother who is hard of hearing and not being able to sign myself, I con only imagine how tough it is for this guy to find someone to talk to.

It got me thinking, as I sat there with my ear buds plugged-in blasting at full volume in an attempt to avoid the outside world- Man, I am a lucky SOB.

Which is not to knock the gentleman I saw on the train, but as I sat there listening to my music I tried to think of a life without sound.

And it is simply something that I cannot fathom.

I love music. I love the sound or rain falling. I love the sound of laughter, especially giggling. 

So when I tried to imagine a world without sound, it was actually kinda scary to me.

I enjoy sound so much that I sometimes just close my eyes and try to figure-out what is going-on around me. It’s actually pretty cool. 

Give it a try, just close your eyes for 5-10 minutes and listen…it’s amazing how many of life's little details you are missing by plugging those ear buds in everyday.

So I guess the next time I hear a horn honking for no damn reason (an interesting NYC phenomena) I won’t get all fired-up.

I’ll just be glad it added to the experience. 

1 comment:

babsrambler said...

experts swear that losing your hearing/ability to communicate is MUCH worse than losing your sight. I can understand what you are saying man.