Friday, May 9, 2008

Toothpaste and the economy

As I stood there this morning squeezing the very last milli-ounce of toothpaste out of the tube, I got to thinking about lattes.

It’s hilarious that I’m willing to spend $2-3 (I am a cheap ass and get drip coffee) at Starbucks to kill 10 minutes while on a break, but will scrounge around Target and hold-off on buying toothpaste until I have compacted the tube to 1/100 of it’s former size.

Funny how the mind works.

I don’t think that I am alone. As I see many folks rolling to Starbucks for their daily fix and I’ve seen some pretty sad looking tubes of toothpaste at other people’s houses.

So am I headed to Starbucks today? Yup.

Am I gonna note that I need to get toothpaste on my next trip to the store and then hold-off, thinking I can make the tube last another week? You know this.

*Side note: I am aware that milli-ounce isn’t a valid form of measurement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh so true...Bitch about paying $2.69 for a gallon of milk, but the $4 16oz latte is ok.