Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day all

In this post I’d like each of you to post a comment stating one move you plan to make in the coming year to get a little more green.

Hopefully this will inspire/encourage everyone to keep moving towards being a bit greener.

My goal in the next year will be to use my bus pass more. I currently use it to commute to work, but still log 100-200 miles in my car on the weekends. I want to go 50/50 car/bus in my non-work travels.

I look forward to hearing your goals.


Ryan said...

I resolve to stop pouring motor oil down the drain, does that count? My girlfriend is a recycle/green nut, and I live with her, so I might be covered. I resolve to use less energy, how bout that?

babsrambler said...

House, I am blinded by your enthusiasm.