For many people religion is a “savior,” but for far too many people religion has proven to be a divider.
Whether it’s: gays, abortion, Blacks, Jews or Muslims, many an argument against any/all of those parties have been based on religion.
For the most part, when I say “religion” I mean Christianity, the overwhelming favorite of western spiritual thought.
I didn’t rail on the Christian right in my last post, but they are gonna take a beating in this one. As I blame Iraq, hate crimes and the shame that every woman has to endure by simply walking into a Planned Parenthood on the Pat Robertson’s and Pat Buchannan’s of the world.
On the whole, conservative Christians got it wrong. They make me embarrassed to admit that I am a Christian. In my mind, they are as bad as the Taliban in their strict, self-serving and erroneous interpretation of religion.
They aren’t right. And they have no right to proclaim that they are.
Quite frankly, the average white picket fence having, we-are-all-welcoming-as-long-as-you-conform-to-our-narrow-perception-of-the-Bible-Christian disgusts me. In much the same way a “you are all Western Infidels” radical Muslims disgust me. At least Muslims will offer a visitor tea. You are lucky to get anything more than a look down the nose from the average conservative house wife, if you don't "fit the mold.".
Some of you may be thinking, Disgust? Really? Isn’t that a strong word?
Not at all.
These people disgust me because they are judging, damning and killing each other (all religions guilty here) in the name of a God that we all have in common.
For me, it’s pretty simple.
God is like chicken.
We’ve all heard the joke and the punch line is: “It tastes like chicken.”
So why, would anyone expect a world as diverse and unique as ours to be held to one set of standards, one set of ideals and one version of God?
Just look at chicken, in the American heartland, Chicken Pot Pie looks a lot different from Hoisin Chicken in China or Tagine in Morocco. Though it is all derived from the same base to serve the same purpose…
Chicken sustains the body and God sustains the soul. (I know, I sound like that book series here.)
Is this an oversimplification? Perhaps.
But we’ve had thousands of years to complicate the matter. So I figure a little simplification is due.
Chicken, much like God, is something that all people can identify with.
And who’s to say that the God of Islam is any different from the God of Christianity or Buddhism?
I am saying that they aren’t.
In much the same way cuisine, in this case chicken, carries regional/cultural nuances, it only follows that perceptions of God would do the same.
The idea that every person in the world has to follow one set of ideals set forth by one God just isn’t feasible or even culturally astute.
God made man is all shades, interests and even multiple sexes. So why dumb-down such an obviously complex being to “My way or the highway” thinking?
If people could get their head around the idea that God really is one being, perceived is different ways, I think the world would be a much better place. A lot of differences might be quelled. The main tenets of all major religions share the same basic ideals, only strengthening the concept that God is one being, read many ways.
But sadly, religion of division, my main issue with organized religion, will continue on. As men and their misinterpretations/pride/unwillingness to change will keep everyone mired in the “us versus them” rhetoric that keeps the pews filled, tithes coming-in and guns aimed at each other.
All the while, I can only imagine God looking down at us head-shaking, thinking:
“Is it really all that difficult? Why can’t they get this right?”
I heard someone describe it once as a colosseum, many doors leading to one place. I like the chicken metaphor, though! Clever. Isn't it ironic how inclusive Jesus is, and yet so many people use him to exclude? Good post!
Nice blog. Interesting, well thought out and articulated. I tend to feel the same frustrations. I would say that your blog made God sound more like a doormat vs. a car...and everything in between. If God were COMPLETELY different for each person, then faith would solely be based on convenience for the person, rather then a foundation of something that is chicken. In other words, there are things that are right and wrong...2 + 2 will always equal 4. Obviously, there lies the problem...what are the things that are constant and what aren't? The church focuses WAY to much on the differences rather then the things that could bring people together.
Just my two cents...
To start off, I think you and I agree far more than we disagree. That said, I can see how one could read my ideas as painting God as a “doormat.”
To clarify, I believe there certain universal truths. In that, there is right and wrong. Religion/God is not something to be tried-on and put away at your convenience. I don't see God as a doormat, more as a doorman who determines if you can get-into the afterlife or not.
The point I am making is that knowing what is right/wrong is impossible. No one can presume to know what God deems right/wrong for certain.
But having an idea of right/wrong and living the best life possible based-on contemplation and educating yourself is all you can do.
It is a very individualistic endeavor, which doesn’t change universal truths, but leaves room for interpretation. Whether that interpretation is correct, is the gamble we all take.
I encourage folks to do whatever benefits them in their path towards understanding religion/God, whether it be: Church, Reading or listening to Christian Radio.
These past few posts are steps in my spiritual growth personally. I have it FAR FROM figured-out.
I, in no way meant to present it as-if I do.
If nothing else, I want to emphasize that this is something that can never be understood completely. That being said, attempting to understand and learning more about religion/God should never stop. In much the same way I’ll never get calculus, I am still going to do math. The same should idea should be applied here.
I appreciate your thoughts. Keep them coming!
(They keep me honest and help me grow.)
Nice...Doorman. I like that. Reading my last post just now I thought it was funny (ironic funny) that I used the term doormat. I was trying to come up with 2 objects that were completely different from each to illustrate God being whatever people wanted him to be. Wow...didn't mean to suggest that you were bashing God. Doormat...not meant how it sounded. Thanks for your reply! We're growing together.
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