Thursday, September 18, 2008

Baby Steps to Getting Green- Sep 08

It’s looking like the end of an era…

No, I am not talking about the once high and mighty Seahawks coming back down to earth, I am talking about myself, getting a bus pass.

Yes I, the bastion of: “I have a car and I’m gonna use it,” Seattleite sentiment, am breaking-down and giving mass transit a try.

Starting in October, I’ll be a bus commuter.

I am entering this as a “Baby step to getting Green” post, but this is no small step for me.

To be honest, this is not totally my doing. Though I have been toying with the idea for months, it was my employer who stepped-up and offered a bus pass instead of a parking permit.

I simply took them up on the offer.

The mass transit debate had been raging in my mind for the past couple months…It didn’t help that I saw the same bus route multiple times a day as I commute to and from work. Begging the question in my mind; “Why the hell am I not taking this bus to work?”

After a bit of research, I found that bus passes were $90 a month. Which given my love of my car, was not enough of a financial savings to justify leaving the ride at home. But when the office offered to pick-up the tab, I figured I only had one choice.

We’ll see how it works-out…I did make sure I could trade back should bussing not work-out. But I hope that once I get on the schedule, I’ll be hooked.

I am looking forward to relaxing on the commute home instead of getting flustered. Yet another win-win (I seem to be finding a lot of those lately) as I am lowering my carbon footprint as well as my personal stress level.

Check back in November to see if I renewed my pass…

I saw this story on MSN that was pretty interesting:
I am still firmly in the re-useable mug camp, but the story does get you to thinking about your actions. For the record, I just rinse my coffee cup in the morning with cold water and wash it on Friday before I head home.

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