Well folks, here they are.
Homer’s Odyssey 2008 Election Endorsements.
Prop 1- Yes.
For far too long the status quo in Washington state politics has been to sit on our hands. Dating back to the early 1900’s the sentiment of “this plan isn’t good enough” has retarded any real evolution towards a comprehensive mass transit solution for the region.
So here we are in 2008 with a plan on the table, why wait longer, allow the need to worsen and costs to increase?
This may not be the perfect plan, but it is a start and something to build from. The roads are still crowded and more busses alone are not the solution.
What is needed is forward thinking and proactive planning. I am not a fan of sales tax in general, but a .5% increase in the sales tax is tolerable.
The time has come to bite the bullet and make it happen.
Prop 1000- Yes.
This initiative is similar to Oregon’s right-to-die law.
While I am no advocate of suicide, I am a staunch advocate of personal liberty and dignity.
This law requires 2 of 3 doctors to approve of the action. Which is enough of a ‘safe guard’ for me.
I hope no one ever has to make use of the law, but that’s wishful thinking. Recent personal experiences have only strengthened my support for this type of law.
No one thinks twice of putting an animal out of its misery when terminally ill or its quality of life is severely limited.
Shouldn’t we extend the same compassion to a fellow human?
I-985- No.
Tim Eyman. Enough said.
Eyman wants to reduce the hours of HOV lane restriction to 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours at night.
Not sure where he’s driving, but rush hour lasts far longer than that. And it’s obvious that adding another lane to traffic does little to solve the traffic mess.
Just another ill-conceived Eyman brain child.
Governor- Christine Gregoire-D
I voted for Dino Rossi last election. I don’t say this often, but I was wrong.
I questioned Gregoire’s character in that first election. But after 4 years, we are not worse off, in some very trying times.
Gregoire has also increased support for social programs which I find very important.
Budgets are hard to manage, especially as tax revenues dwindle, so I don’t knock her there.
But back to character, I simply don’t trust Dino Rossi. His “Don’t let King County steal the Election” billboards which are plastered all over the state speak volumes about his character…or should I say lack there of. We don’t need a divider in Olympia, especially a divider who wants to lower the minimum wage.
President- Barack Obama-D
No shocker here. He’s unproven, yes. And yes, he speaks in broad terms. But when he speaks, he says what I want to hear from my president.
He represents a change from the status quo. Now I am willing to say, change is not always a good thing…But I am willing to take a chance.
He understands that there is a world outside of our borders and our reputation is severely tarnished. And he appears open to the idea of working with other countries to restore America’s previous luster.
He also understands the plight of the working poor. Sure we need jobs, but taxing those who can afford it just makes sense.
His ideas on modernizing our economy and educating ourselves to make the American workforce an actual commodity on the world market again, just makes sense.
I will admit Obama has lost some luster during this campaign, but he remains the far superior choice.
1 comment:
Well articulated as usual. I can appreciate the thoughtfulness that goes into such discussions as these. And it is nice to know that a person is actually THINKING about these issues when they vote. Go figure.
I can only add a few thoughts: I will never vote for our current governor, and there will never be an opinion that can sway me. :)
I have yet to decide on if i'm truly an Obama fan, but I think i'm about 98% there.
Assisted suicide is a slippery slope. I can appreciate the current intentions on the bill though...and yes it appears to have worked very well for Oregon. But a bill such as this one gives me pause. Too much in fact.
Thanks for reading...
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