I normally post some long-winded rant or frilly epiphany that I have come to recently.
This is not going to be one of those posts.
I am going to start a monthly series: Baby Steps to getting green.
It's pretty simple.
I post (at least) one change I've made this month in an effort to be a little greener.
Hopefully you'll join me and post your changes as comments so that we can all encourage/educate each other in an effort to lessen all of our foot prints.
I wrote a previous post in this vein, but seeing as there is always room for improvement, I thought this would be a beneficial exercise.
This months "geenery" is: Buying a reusable travel coffee cup.
I go to Starbucks everyday for lunch. Using a paper cup, one of those "don't-burn-your-hand" sleeves and a plastic top. Seeing as I eat lunch 5 days a week, that equates to alot of paper cups, save-the-hand sleeves and plastic lids that go straight into the trash.
Buying this reusable cup will lessen my lunch-associated waste to nearly zero. Which is pretty cool. And a darn good return on my $10 investment.
See, it doesn't have to be anything too big, but every little bit helps.
Please pass along your ideas. Let's keep this going!
Ok, I'm on board. Thanks for getting me motivated to be green. This week I've brought my own damn silverware to work and am not using the plastic disposable!
My only comment on this is to go to Tully's. After what Schultz did to us fans with the Sonics, I no longer feel the need to support the biz. And to also use a reusable cup, wherever you might go.
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