Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Insert “I am Thankful” quote here…

As a man who has been out of work for 5 months now, I could either be Thankful or Depressed as this holiday season approaches.

But as I sit back and ponder this mid-mid-life crisis that unemployment has foisted upon me, I have to say. I am pretty darn thankful.

And hopeful.

Where some folks in my situation would step back, examine their world and proceed to freak-out…I examine my situation and come away optimistic.

My life could be much worse, as I've had a couple close friends have bouts with cancer recently. That definitely helped to keep things in perspective for me.

I am not only thankful that my friends pulled through their illnesses, but thankful for the strength they exhibited in dealing with the illness.

They showed me that there is more to life than money, jobs and prestige. They showed me that life is something to be enjoyed while you have the opportunity.

I am also thankful for the support that many of my friends have offered during my "time of transition." Not once have I heard anyone doubt that I would do anything other than succeed. And to all of you, that has meant a lot to me.

I am also thankful for the time-off that unemployment has offered me. It has allowed me valuable time to reflect, re-evaluate and determine who and what I am and want to be.

Would I have preferred a less (financially) stressful opportunity to do this? Most definitely. But I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Overall, I am just thankful for being here, being healthy and being able to call my own shots.

I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving.

I also hope you are able to take a moment in this busy holiday season for yourself to relax and ponder what you are truly Thankful for.

It's far too easy during the holiday season to focus on what you want, instead of what you have. I think if you take the time to recount what you have going for you, you'll find this holiday season far more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Jill Nelson said...

I've been unemployed for 3 months! We should compare notes....

what kind of work are you looking for? Have you thought about freelancing?